Your Future Office- Emerging Workspace Trends to adopt in 2020

December 26, 2019

As we’re almost stepping into 2020, we look out for the hottest trends shaping the future of business. With this, we would also want our workspace to evolve at par with technology and global trends.

Keeping a watchful eye on the recent developments in modern business culture, we’ve analyzed the behaviour, patterns and changes in how people work and the way workspaces are evolving. Some of the trends have been slow-evolving, some have become very distinct with the needs of the modern workforce and technological evolution. The future of workspaces demands more flexibility and wellness-oriented design. The happiness and well-being of people at work have become a top priority. Progressive companies are adopting this at a faster pace in order to attract and retain their best talent and enhance their productivity.

Based on our study, we have compiled a crisp list to help you identify and adopt the most promising workspace trends in 2020:

More Sustainability than ever

Sustainability aims to focus on more of human-centric design for the future of work. People love to be in harmony with nature, earthly elements and things that make them feel closer to the roots of their evolution. This includes more natural lighting, bringing the outdoor world indoors with potted plants and greenery inspired design, wooden furniture and natural fabrics for furnishings.

Biophilia, i.e. the love for nature and natural elements has seen a growing rise in workspace design. Adding a hint of natural accent to workspaces helps induce productivity, keep work stress at bay and also leads to happiness and contentment at the workplace. After all, happy and healthy people will add more zeal and zest to the company’s growth.

Making way for Intentional Spaces

Possessing an office space is one thing and utilizing it to bring out the youthful spirit of the company is an entirely different concept. Making the workspace more receptive to the young minds at work has manifold benefits. Creating casual lounges, sports zones and recharge rooms have a positive impact on the performance of the workforce and the company.

The newest generation prefers the workspace to be more flexible in all ways, be it space, communication channel or even the hierarchy. Gone are the days when everything was very formal and rigid. In this regard, informal spaces stand out to be multi-functional for relaxing, having casual discussions or simply brainstorming. Such spaces are the need of the hour in all companies so that employees can instantly use it just the way they need it.

Creating Collaborative Workspaces

One of the hottest trends which will dominate the workspace setup of 2020 is the creation of more collaborative spaces.  Especially for creative minds, such spaces encourage the sharing of ideas, engaging in productive discussions or even sparking conversations with people from other teams.

Inspired by state-of-the-art lounges and waiting rooms in luxurious hotels, the collaborative zones are being adopted in workspaces to enhance business communication. Though people are being largely dependent on technology, like instant messengers and project management tools, no one can underestimate the power of face-to-face communication and the spirit of collaboration in business.

Comforting with Hospitality

With the digitalization of work, more people are getting inclined towards remote work or working-from-home on an increased basis. It gets more challenging for companies to recreate their workspace so that the employees get encouraged to come to the office. With the changing employee lifestyle and organisational needs, businesses are looking for ways to delight their workforce in the office environment.

The custom workspace providers, like Skootr, have designed innovative workspace solutions to blend in the homely feel with the office culture. The concept of ‘recimercial workspaces,’ i.e. infusing the warmth and feel of one’s residence at office promotes a sense of comfortability and community amongst the employees. The best-in-class hospitality solutions, on-demand cuisine, comfortable furniture and home-styled fixtures boost employee morale and reach the pinnacle of their workspace delight.

Thus, adopting these latest workspace trends will help you stay ahead of the curve, keep your employees the happiest and be a global business leader in 2020.

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