Why Your Office Location Matters Now More Than Ever

November 12, 2018

In an increasingly digitally connected age, the location of your office is more critical than most realize. While there is a general shift towards working from home and remotely, the importance of workplace environment and communities is rising.

Cities are expanding, and people love to work and live in prime locations of metropolitan cities like Delhi NCR. People are looking for jobs, entertainment as well as housing and friends all within the radius of a few kilometers.

Especially if you are a company that expects a lot of clientele, vendors and a pool of talented employees to walk in, your location is very important. Here are some tips you should bear in mind while choosing your location.

Factors to keep in mind while choosing your Office Location

For your business

Access to talent

For many businesses, this is the top priority while choosing an office location.

Have you ever noticed how there are multiple vendors, adjacent to one another, selling the exact same thing? If you’ve ever wondered how that business model works, read on.

When you locate yourself in a business area amongst competitors, it can actually benefit you, giving you something called the “competitive advantage”. You provide yourself with access to the best talent in the industry, and give potential employees the option of working for you. You are already in the midst of an entire variety and cohort of business professions. Being located near competitors can also help with networking, finding the right advertisers, as well as consultants and Public Relations firms.

Access to potential customers

Many times, your office location and design have a significant impact on your brand reputation. Establishing yourself in an area well-known for its prominent businesses and brands in a corporate hub, it will give an edge to your business. Establishing your office nearby your competition will help your brand to get noticed by clients visiting and working with your competitions. It will be easy for your potential customers to locate you and develop trust on your brand, which is important especially if you are a start-up or a new name in the industry.

Access to suppliers, vendors

When you’re already in a location that suppliers and vendors frequent, they don’t have to think twice about delivering to you. Your options will increase, giving you access to better quality services.

For your employees

Commuting. Not all your employees can afford cab services. The needs of all must be taken into consideration while picking your office space.

How far do your employees have to travel to get to work every day? Are you close enough to public transport such as major bus stops, metro stations, and well-built roads? When your employees save on travel time, they’ll also be happier at work.

Work life balance. This is a factor most employers neglect. Numerous studies suggest that employees that are happier are also more productive.

Most tech-parks are located far outside the city, forcing employees to either commute or live in a remote location, far away from friends, family and all kinds of amenities. So, it is important for your office to be located close to restaurants and bars, shops, museums, etc.

Millennials prefer offices that support their post-work “lifestyle”, which is something that the location of your office specifically determines. While this can help lift up the morale of your employees, having that popular restaurant nearby for a Friday post-work beer or coffee can also directly benefit your business. If you have a nice coffee shop conveniently located next door, you can take meetings with your new client there instead for a change of scene.

In conclusion: Workplace communities matter

Most importantly, work communities are now more important than ever. When you’re located in a co-working space, or an environment with other companies or businesses next door, your own employees can feel more validated.

They meet like-minded individuals, and find better friends and companions. In fact, a global survey on co-working done between 2017 and 2018 found that 71% of respondents felt more relaxed at home after having joined a co-working space.

Skootr offers you all the advantages mentioned above, and more. Its wholesome working environment ensures the well-being as well as productivity of your employees. Moreover, its co-working and managed offices spaces are located in prime locations across major cities, including the fast-growing NCR region (Gurgaon, Noida), Jaipur and Pune — giving you the option to choose a location that works for your business.

Whoever came up with the phrase ‘Location, location, location’ really knew what they were talking about. No matter how great your company or mission is, at the end of the day, you need to be accessible!

Luckily, with Skootr, you focus on the more important things. We’ll make sure you’re where you’re supposed to be.

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