Why celebrate 9th August as the International Coworking Day? Trace the Origin.

August 9, 2019

For the past few years, we have seen the popping up of numerous coworking spaces within India and it has been prevailing for quite some time in other countries as well. India has more than 500+ such spaces across the cities and these offices serve as an abode for those in the gig economy, freelancers, startup up founders, entrepreneurs and business teams.

While scrolling down your social media feed or while working from any such office space, you might have observed (and even if not, you will get to know now) that 9th August every year is celebrated as International Coworking Day. Ever wondered why? What is it behind this very day that it has been picked up amongst all other days to celebrate the spirit of collaboration, co-creation and community amongst the coworkers?

Going back to 2005

We traced back the roots to find that this movement started way back in 2005 when a software engineer named Brad Neuberg in his coding blog “Coding In Paradise” came up with the concept of coworking. It was on this exact day 9th August in 2005 when blogged about this idea. He started it with the thought of combining the freedom and independence of working for oneself being in the structure and community of traditional work scene.

Want to get a firsthand look?

You can read Brad Neuberg’s own words in his blog post here. Check that date on the original blog and suddenly you realise that it’s been 14 years since 2005! Long time, huh?

Identifying the Coworking Concept

It is claimed that Bernard De Koven was the person who coined the term “coworking” in the sense that he founded the CoWorking Institute to generate an awareness about collaborative work methods way back in the 2000’s. Although it is said by various people that several other coworking spaces had opened up around the same time, it was Brad Neuberg who self-proclaimed in his blog “The Start of Coworking (From the Guy that Started It)”  that he invented coworking.

He was a visionary and pioneered the movement of free-spirited people more than a decade ago and formed the Coworking Group called Spiral Muse in Valencia, San Francisco.

The Birth of Coworking Day

And so people have chosen 9th August to commemorate the revolution started by Neuberg in 2005 and this day is celebrated as the International Coworking Day. The celebrations started around 2010, from a coworking space BeesOffice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil when they thought of celebrating this day for the next 5 years by mentioning it in a post in Coworking Google Group.

Ever since, people across the globe have given it their own blend and rejoice in celebrating the spirit of coworking which has accelerated their work in a community-based and collaborative way.

The New Age Beyond Coworking

Now that you know and can share with others about the essence of coworking, we look at the current day trends and the future of this evolution.

Modern businesses and teams have become foresighted and seek opportunities beyond coworking and look for spaces which resonate their brand values and have been custom-built for their teams.

Skootr offers a wide plethora of services and adds immense value to teams by providing them with the choicest of office spaces where the community essence is instilled yet the elegance and premium touch prevails. Who wouldn’t like to have a class-apart office which boasts of their success and vision and breathes their team spirit? Isn’t it?

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