What do you love about your office- top views of a few people

May 22, 2021

In a recent survey, we asked employees from different organisations and various

fields about the thing they love the most about their office. Many of them mentioned similar things, like freedom for creativity, exciting challenges, and the chance to become a part of a big project. Some also discussed the work culture, the relationships they have cultivated with their colleagues, the teamwork and the liberty to interact with their managers in case of any doubts. However, a few answers caught our attention appreciably. Hence, let’s read on and find out what people love about their workspaces.

> The kind of people I get to interact with.

“The most exciting thing about my office is free food! Just kidding! That is the second best thing about the workspace since the first would always be the kind of people I get to meet and spend the rest of my 9 hours with.”, says Manas, Document Specialist from ApplyBoard.

> Workplace motto - we work to live and not live to work.

“I love that my workplace has the motto - we work to live and not live to work. So, time off from work is equally valued and taking leaves is not looked down upon. I also like that my office culture is inclusive, diverse and liberal. There are no strict hierarchies, and it’s easy to approach members of the senior management for guidance or just to have a casual chat not related to work.”, says an HR Executive from In-country.

> Time flexibility is a gift.

“One thing I particularly like about my office is the private space I have. Personal space is essential to work peacefully without any interruptions. Another thing which I’m grateful for is time flexibility, which makes it simpler for me to balance my time”, says Faisal, Brand Manager from Yours Eventfully.

> Learning and growing with a competent team.

“Getting to work every day is a delight because of the amazing team! I learn and grow in my career when I work with some of the brightest, friendliest and most hard-working people.”, says Gunjan, Brand Strategist from M&C Saatchi February.

> Natural light ought to be there in an office.

“I love the big windows. It’s always beautiful to look at and refreshes the mind immediately. It brings in the natural light, which helps to focus better on the work.” says a Senior Client Executive from Dentsu.

Well, what we gather from the answers is people love to work with an amazing team. They deem the work culture as an essential part of their professional lives. It was indeed heartwarming reading through the messages filled with optimism and hopes for an ever-evolving work culture.

Keep checking this space for more insights about the workforce and office spaces.

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