Unravelling the dynamics of the office space segment post pandemic

February 23, 2021

The managed office space segment in India has witnessed unprecedented success.

Research suggests flexibility, accessibility, and affordability to be the main catalysts behind it. However, on further analysis, it was observed that the rise in co-working spaces also jostled the managed office space to reinvent itself. This point was further highlighted and underlined by the COVID-19 outbreak, which demanded a completely new outlook.

From introducing the ‘Reverse office’ concept Skootr allowed companies to optimize their workspace optimally by taking up the unused space and generating revenue on that – to launching the innovative SkootrOne app that streamlined contact-less communication like booking a meeting room, to reserving a parking slot to ordering the meal from the office cafeteria to one’s workstation; we have been pushing the envelope of this new outlook in commercial real estate.  

Now that the dust seems to be somewhat settled, corporate occupiers are re-evaluating their investment in fixed real estate assets. This is because a majority of companies are prepping themselves to get back to work in a phased manner starting March.

It is expected that by the end of the second quarter, approximately 70 percent of employees will be back to workspaces. Thus the need to explore flexible and cost-efficient workplace solutions that complies with today’s social and safety needs has become the talk of every ‘corporate town’.

Health and safety a top priority

Smaller, non-regimented work clusters with varied workstation typologies are the most sought after office variables currently. The ask for the overall workstation sizes has also gone up by 20-25% to ensure safe distancing.

Removable privacy screens have made a comeback especially in zones with higher interaction needs.

Large enterprises are currently seeking smaller managed spaces to ensure employees’ safety and synergised business continuity.

Faster at innovation

COVID-19 has also accelerated the digitalization of workspaces. An innovative technology ecosystem provides flexible and on-demand places to support convenience, functionality, and well-being.

To avoid the transmission of germs at workspaces, managed office space operators like Skootr have enabled comprehensive contactless technology and air purifiers in workspaces.

The traditional desk will likely be non-existent in the coming years with wearable technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning causing massive disruption and transforming them into autonomous workspaces.

Skootr, a complete solution, not just a workspace provider

The inherent flexibility to adapt and adopt, and its ability to foster a strong community spirit determined to win in these trying times will augur well for the flexible workspace segment.

As the Indian economy is slowly getting back to a ‘new normal’ following the Covid-19 outbreak, each industry is re-inventing its business model to adapt to a post-Covid -19 era.

Skootr Offices curates unique experiences and engagements by providing state-of-the-art amenities, benefits of a hassle-free, fully customized, flexible managed workspace with a negligible CapEx making the segment even more attractive for enterprises.


Hence, flexible workspaces are addressing the employer’s concerns with the right blend of safety, sustainability, and cost optimisation for any enterprise to grow and optimize its potential.

This new approach adopted by managed office providers strives to make the transition for employees much easier and more secure as they return from their new normal of work from home.  

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