To Co-Work Or Not to Co-Work: What Should Large Enterprises Do?

February 15, 2019

Co-working as a practice has been around for years but it got a boost as a workplace trend mainly when freelancers and startups began to realize the benefits of collaborative and shared workspaces. However, with the rise in remote work, co-working is not limited to freelancers and bootstrapped businesses anymore. Enterprises and even major corporations are warming up to the trend, managing large-scale remote teams through corporate co-working culture.

Why enterprises are opting to co-work

A 2014 research by Haworth, a global workspace designer and manufacturer, shows that companies who opted for co-working spaces reported learning skills faster, making more connections, and feeling inspired and in control. According to the research, which included huge corporates such as VBN (France), IBM, State Farm, Sprint, etc. from the US, co-working spaces have three purposes:

  1. Transformation
  2. Innovation
  3. Future-proofing

Specifically, the benefits felt by enterprises that choose to co-work include:

  • An alternate and cost-sensitive option in place of renting and leasing
  • Advanced and exhaustive options of facilities available
  • Convenience of locations and flexible timings for employees
  • Increase in productivity with healthy competition and peer motivation
  • Access to innovative ideas, new talent, and potential collaborations

There are other secondary reasons at play as well. According to a 2015 study by researchers from MIT Sloan, the common reasons for favouring co-working spaces are interactions with people (84%), random discoveries and opportunities (82%), and knowledge sharing (77%). They opine that established companies are increasingly learning from and adapting to this trend.

What are the reasons to NOT co-work?

For enterprise, it is imperative to decide on a shared workspace depending on the company culture and the nature of work. Some common problems that enterprises face while co-working are:

Lack of privacy – This can be a major issue if your work involves confidential and critical information handling. Sharing a desk with a host of other businesses may seem like a risk. However, workspace providers like Skootr offer private cabins in co-working spaces both on an individual and company level.

Distractions – In some cases, the casual environment of shared workspaces might actually backfire — it can distract or hamper productivity and activities like client calls, etc. Thanks to Skootr’s flexi-time working schedules, you can have access to a working environment 24×7. Consequently, you can choose to work during a less busy time.

Branding or identity issues – This is a possible concern for both small and big players when they are situated in a shared space. Overshadowing and being lost in the melee are key concerns. Solutions can be in the form of customized furniture or a separate internet lease line. But if you want your brand to maintain a separate identity, a custom office could be your option instead.

A Fully-Managed Custom Office is the Way to Go

If a large enterprise wants to enjoy the benefits of co-working but may not be willing to take that route for any or all of the above reasons, a fully-managed office can be worth a try. In this set-up, all expenses are included and every single operational detail of managing and running an office is taken care of by the service provider. Skootr provides completely customized spaces which can include your inputs. Besides, you also enjoy the benefit of shared resources significantly cutting down your costs.

Co-working may not be for everyone but working with a managed office operator like Skootr that offers an array of workspace solutions ensures that you get exactly what you need. Plus, if a solution doesn’t fit your needs, you can switch to a different option without having to go through the hassles of looking for a new service provider.

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