The top 5 future trends in office spaces

June 8, 2021

If you rewind a few years, you will observe that the trends in office spaces used to revolve majorly around increasing the productivity of employees and improving the aesthetics of the workspace.

But when you look at the current post-pandemic era, there have been major shifts in the priorities of people and this has led to adding more aspects in the choice and functionality of workspaces across the globe.

In this blog, we will highlight some of the major implications and trends we foresee in the office spaces on a broader scale from the perspective of workspace occupiers and employees, re-imagining the way work will be performed in the coming times.



A survey conducted by Wellable, titled 2021 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report indicates that 9 in 10 employers plan to pay more attention to employee wellness conditions at work this year.

With a shift in the demands and concerns of people regarding safety, hygiene and wellness standards, corporate workspaces will pay major attention to the health-conscious design tweaks, thoughtful spacing and de-densification of cabin areas.

The working environments will ensure air quality checks, minimize the use of commonly touched surfaces like doorknobs, cubicle gates and focus more on open-space plans.

The wellness-based designs will leave more room for human-centric spaces which are dynamic in nature and offer an environment that embraces the business approach of modern-day organizations.


In line with the growing concern for the environment and eco-conscious lifestyle, even workspaces are adapting to nature-inspired flooring, live plants and indoor vertical gardens, use of upcycled materials in workspace design and more.

This is aimed to strengthen the human-nature connection and adds to an eco-friendly approach for organizations in the long run. Not only this, energy efficiency is a prime concern and sustainability plays an important role to address this in modern office spaces.


Now that most people have been used to the world’s largest work-from-home experiment fuelled by the pandemic, one of the main things they have been missing out on is the face-to-face connection with their peers and the water cooler conversations they used to have at their workplace.

In the coming times when the world fully reopens, the ways how people communicate and collaborate within the workspace are also bound to change.

There will be more inclination towards the community-based approach of workspace design, more room for collaboration and seamless ways of keeping the conversation flow within the offices.



A report by Fitch indicates that the consumer spending for commercial real estate in India would increase by 6.6% in 2021. If we consider the investment patterns and choices of corporates in a post-pandemic world, people are looking forward to more eased-out payment options, short and medium-term Flexi-lease plans, and bundled offers that provide them with additional services and benefits.

Corporate tenants want options where they are not bound by long-term contracts and can minimize their capital expenditure.

This has led to the emerging of attractive budget-friendly value options by workspace financial service providers like Skootr FinSave which allow corporate tenants to avail lucrative financial benefits on term payments, wet and dry lease options and more.

Advanced Amenities

One of the major considerations of corporates will be the ease of scaling on-demand. To maintain a balance between the provision of state-of-the-art workspace amenities and the capital expenditure associated with them, fit-out as a service plans draw attention to this emerging need.

These will help companies to simplify their transition when they are upscaling or downsizing.

In addition, they can choose from a wide range of office management services, facilities operations and fit-for-purpose workspace amenities easily.

Thus, we see that the well-planned transition of people to the workspaces in the coming times and careful choice of office space options will create a transformative work environment adding up to the growth of the organization as well as a win-win situation for the real estate landlords and their tenants.

Considering the above-mentioned trends, one of the premium managed workspace providers in India, Skootr Offices, has come up with thoughtfully designed office spaces for the coming times. Not only this, the medium and large-sized corporate tenants can avail the benefits of their financial requirements with Skootr Finsave’s 360-degree leasing solutions and utilize the fit-out as a service platform for their seamless workspace operations and financial growth.

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