The preferred working model of today-WFH or WFO?

May 22, 2021

This is a billion-dollar question for professionals in the job industry today. The entire workforce is divided over which work model is more efficient: working from home or the office. The post-pandemic job scenario has undoubtedly changed, and so have employees' needs and priorities. In this article, we deconstruct some of the lesser-known points of both work models, so if you're debating your options, read on to know more.

Work from home:

Apart from the flexibility, saving commute time, and other aspects, which you've probably read all about, here are some lesser-known benefits of working from home:

> Creates opportunities for fostering an inclusive environment

It levels the playing field for employees with disabilities, as there are fewer physical barriers at their own homes and/or it has been set up to accommodate them. It increases flexibility in all aspects of the job, as they save a lot of commuting time and feel at ease in the comfort of their own homes.

> Increased time for family

Being around people you love significantly boosts your mental health. In a ripple effect, this also results in increased productivity and better performance at work. It also gives employees a sense of job satisfaction, to be able to work at a time they're most active during and to be able to spend time with their family spontaneously.

> Accessibility to become a digital nomad

Working remotely allows employees to relocate anywhere, fulfilling their dreams of travelling the world. Exposure to new cultures, scenarios, and situations also increases their social skills, analytical thinking, problem-solving, and street smarts, and can be a beneficial factor when they're at work.

Work from Office:

Usually, this provides a medium for employees to collaborate and synergize their work with their team, making the process more seamless and better performance. Here are some lesser-known benefits of the WFO work model:

> Much more economical than the alternative

There are hidden costs to working from home beyond the scope covered in the work-from-home stipend companies provide. Electricity bills, setting up office furniture, overheads, administrative fees, online infrastructure costs, etc., become costly and difficult to maintain and sustain over a long period.

> More opportunities for growth

Gaining on-ground exposure ensures that the employees get much more chances to grow and network. The office is a hotspot of activity, and employees are more likely to outperform when surrounded by like-minded individuals with whom they can learn and grow. It also gives them a chance for their work to be recognized by having more face time with important seniors and industry leaders.

> Aligns employees with company vision

Working from the office gives employees, across departments and divisions, deep insight into the workings of the company, giving them an all-rounded perspective on the business and industry. This is highly beneficial, so they are aligned with the company's value systems and beliefs. It goes a long way in streamlining and optimizing their work processes, being in sync with their team, and moving together toward a common goal. We at Skootr provide office spaces on lease for your company so that all you need to do is focus on what you love doing most: your work.

Our office spaces are dynamic, easy to remodel and provide an environment of growth for your employees while building your company's brand image, all with a touch of luxury.

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Primary keywords:
wfh or wfo, work from home, remote work
Secondary keywords:
work from home opportunities, best work from home jobs, work from office, hybrid work model, working model
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