Real estate as an outsourced function: Outsource your entire lease to a Managed Office Player

October 5, 2018

Real Estate as an Outsourced Function: Outsource Your Entire Lease to a Managed Office Player

When you’re looking to set up your new office, you have to consider a multitude of factors. Is the location of your building in a prominent business area? Is it well connected by roads and public transport? And then, there are the government formalities when you set up an office. You sign a traditional lease agreement and have to make sure the terms are clear and transparent, manage the payment for brokers, utilities and then maintenance. The list goes on.

Now that managed office spaces offer a very real alternative to owned offices, real estate as an outsourced function finally makes sense. Here are the many reasons why.

Move in faster and get to work

Along with the formalities of taking up a building on lease, you have to invest in other overheads such as the service staff and amenities when you buy your own space. You need to set up the layout of your office and design, purchase the required furniture and office supplies. There is a general lag between the time you occupy the space and when it becomes functional. With a managed office space, on the other hand, you can move in almost immediately once you’ve found the layout and location you’re looking for.

Managed spaces also offer a lot more flexibility and are much more practical and convenient, with features such as:

Interesting, modern layouts

Managed spaces these days are often more than what you and I at our creative and innovative best could have thought of. They offer a range of modern layout designs, innovative infrastructure and healthy ecosystem. They invest in supportive and friendly office spaces that don’t reek of the hostility in traditional cubicles that alienate employees. And, they can be customised according to your particular requirements!

Ample scope to scale up or down

This provision is incredibly useful whether you are a start-up or a large enterprise. Today, you have 50 employees, and tomorrow you might have 150. Managed spaces offer the convenience of changing your office space to accommodate more desks, as your team gets bigger.

Now you don’t have to look for a lease or broker every time you make a good business decision and level up. Just opt for a managed office and let them handle all your needs and requirements as you grow. Similarly, the flexible business model of managed office players like Skootr allows you to scale down, if the need arises, just as easily and seamlessly.

Get up and running faster

You don’t need to invest in administrative staff, technicians, building maintenance cost or cleaning staff. You don’t need to set up electricity, Wi-Fi, office furniture or water connections. Managed offices are completely set up for you; you just have to move your team in!

Unique features that facilitate well-being and spark innovation

Managed office spaces like Skootr offer special breakout spaces where employees can interact and take a breather. They have room for games, high tech napping pods to take that well-deserved nap, and even recliners and foot massagers for an occasional indulgent experience.

Today, your employees don’t need to work at Google or Yahoo to have a cool office space. Your own office can be that space where people have fun, come together to innovate and actually like coming to work every day. Skootr’s broad-based group of community experts have built an ecosystem of innovation to support entrepreneurs in our community. So when you choose Skootr as your managed office partner, you get to join its vibrant community as well!

The best part is — a single monthly cheque takes care of all the facilities, amenities, and functionalities that your business gets.

So whether you’re a start-up or a well-established corporation, managed office spaces will fulfil all your needs and even more. Choose what works for you and very soon, you’ll walk right into a place custom designed for you and your team — the office of your dreams!

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