New ways to promote employee wellbeing at the workplace

April 8, 2021

After the stressful year employees have had due to the unforeseen conditions under the pandemic, companies are focusing on launching a range of initiatives to promote employee wellbeing in the workplace.

According to Harvard Business Review, organizations with low employee engagement scores experienced 18% lower productivity, 16% lower profitability, 37% lower job growth, and 65% lower share price over time. Whereas, businesses with highly engaged employees enjoyed 100% more job applications.

No matter what industry you’re in, isolation and lack of face-to-face interaction have taken a toll on employees’ mental health. Recognizing this, companies are now coming forward with new strategies to promote employee well-being and boost efficiency and productivity.

Workplace Design

Workplace design plays a key role in supporting employee health and wellbeing. A global study by Steelcase found that only 13% of employees are highly engaged and highly satisfied with their work experience and environment.

As companies revamp their traditional offices with more hybrid design concepts – introducing biophilic elements, topical ambiance, communal spaces, monarch workstations and luxurious interiors that encourage people to be more active and helps in reducing stress.

It is observed that employees who have the ability to move to different areas at work are 1.3 times more likely to be engaged than other employees. Ergonomically crafted work areas, soundproofing to create quiet zones, minimalist design and premium Grade A architecture are some of the features Skootr provides in their flexible workspaces to ensure a stress-free and positive work environment.

Foster an environment of supportive learning

As work continues to evolve, employees’ needs and expectations from employers are changing as well. Fostering a supportive environment of learning by providing training and comprehensive wellness programs will help employees navigate an effective work-life balance.

Investing in employee wellness is an important differentiator for companies to attract and retain talent, especially as the younger generation joins the workforce.

Culture is the foundation

Company culture must be the foundation of wellness programs if companies want to drive positive results from the programs. Company values can foster a feeling of belongingness, inspire innovation and encourage teamwork.

Toxic, stress-filled workplaces affect social relationships, life expectancy and lead to increased levels of stress. Create a positive culture discarding the fear of negative consequences which can encourage experimentation and innovation.


Even though workplace well-being programs have been popular for a long time, a positive workplace and company culture are successful over time. Organizations should strive to inculcate positive emotions. It buffers against negative experiences such as stress, in turn improving employees’ ability to deal with various challenges and difficulties at the workplace.

Happier employees are more likely to feel a sense of belonging to their employer, have a sense of purpose and therefore engage with the business.

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