December 7, 2020

Covid-19 has accelerated digital transformation. Up until now we have only seen design revolutionize our workspaces but with the pandemic introducing new challenges in workplace safety, it’s time to finally use technology to make our workspaces smarter, safer and more efficient.

Smart Work Points

As organizations prepare for their reopening, there is a growing need for employers to provide wellness programs and collaborative spaces to boost productivity.

CBRE’s Healthy Offices research suggests that wellness initiatives can boost employee engagement by an average of 10 percent. Developing more wellness programs is also a good opportunity to instill company culture. Conducting team gatherings and onboardings in modern spaces functioning on automated technology that are a reflection of the culture the company thrives on.

Tech assistants like Alexa or Siri are quickly being adapted all over the industry. They can help employees in all aspects of office management so that employees can divert their potential on important operational tasks.

Hands Free Command and Control

Pre-pandemic touch screens were becoming ubiquitous in our spaces, from entrance security to conference rooms. That trend is dramatically going to shift towards hands free command and control solutions in order to prioritise safety of employees. It will further enhance user experience of employees and transform workspaces into smart spaces.

Workforce mobility

Harvard Business Review found out that 16% employees will remain remote after covid-19. After the sudden switch to remote operations due to the pandemic, some employees are preferring to continue working remotely. Naturally companies need to offer web-based content management systems and other technologies to elevate employee experience, make digital collaboration easy and help them increase their day-to-day productivity.

Smart Technology

We can see smart technologies accelerating almost every aspect of building automation and we believe that in post Covid times smart technologies will add greater significance in building operations. With the help of emerging technologies, employees have the potential to optimize their time and cultivate ideas in a better working environment.

The concept of smart buildings is a great approach to rediscover the use and integrations of buildings into one single ecosystem.

We have an opportunity to create a ‘new normal’ much more thoughtfully than we have created the current remote workforce. It’s time to challenge traditional approaches and create a dynamic nurturing working environment. We at Skootr, are optimizing the endless opportunities presented in the current situation by introducing smart technologies like SkootrOne app which offers a host of value-added and office management services that ensures optimum working environment and delivers cutting edge solutions to clients.

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