How can workspaces influence human behaviour?

December 17, 2019

When you step inside your workspace every single day, you enter into a totally different world, unlike at home. You already have a lot on your mind, along with handling clients, managing teams, looking after all the concerns and whatnot. Ideally, all of this is expected to be done at the best state of your inner self with utmost perfection. Is it really easy on a regular basis?

For you to put your best foot forward (literally and otherwise) every day as you enter your office, the physical environment has to be positively welcoming. It plays a very important role in determining whether you enjoy your work and culture of the organisation or not. Not just for you, it is a common human behaviour to have a high degree of correlation with the surroundings where we are. In terms of workspace, this includes performance-related behaviour, productivity levels and also constant inspiration to deliver the best.

Even interpersonal relations within the workspace affect our day-to-day life and working patterns. You cannot be completely isolated from the external factors which act as a stimulus for giving an enriching workspace experience. The spaces should be vitalising enough to facilitate communication with peers for increased collaboration and informal talks. We are social beings, after all, we like to strike conversations often.

Workspaces beyond Work

Taking human psychology into consideration, workspaces of the current times are evolving to be aligned with the physical and emotional necessities of the people at work. The organisations pay close attention to what their employees seek and create workspaces which encourage people to deliver the best and be happy at work.

Flexibility at the core

The natural tendency of humans makes them unsettled when they have to sit for long hours at just one place for their work. Keeping this in mind, the modern workspaces are designed to be flexible enough, adopting what is known as “Activity Based Workspaces”. They have specially designed spaces within the office for various purposes like brainstorming, meeting, telephone booths and relaxing rooms. Such spaces facilitate the movement of the employees throughout the day for special tasks and their position is no more stagnant. Flexibility empowers people to be at ease and also influences their physical health and satisfaction level.

Sensory Influence of Spaces

Imagine your workspace being endowed with intelligent design, which is not just pleasing to the eyes but also engages all your senses with aromatic fragrances, lush greenery and biophilia within the office, water gushing out from fountains and rejuvenating interiors giving you a holistic zen-like work environment. This is what Skootr, a specialist in designing premium serviced workspaces did for one of their clients. Such nature-inspired workspaces help you find peace beyond work and also enhance productivity.

It is a pleasant delight for all your senses when your workspace has state-of-the-art facilities and interiors which directly connect with your inner self and you get naturally recharged to work with full enthusiasm. Stress is completely eliminated and the mind is calm which helps you do your work more efficiently.

Thus, inspiring and engaging workspaces help in striking the right balance between individual behavioural patterns at work and the cumulative efforts of the teams for better performances and growth by creating a holistic work environment.

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