How are Workspaces evolving as the newest brand storytellers?

November 15, 2019

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.”

-Robert McAfee Brown

The most effective marketing campaigns today are woven by the art of storytelling. Inspiring people with the magic of words and visuals leave them awestruck and helps to sell products like hotcakes in today’s marketplace. People develop a connection and find themselves highly engaged when brands communicate their message through powerful storytelling.

For companies to master the art of storytelling, they should not be restricted to marketing communication. Every employee has to be equally inspired by the idea and concept of the organisation in order to make him highly engaged in the entire corporate journey. To make this a reality, the workplace from where they operate should also fuel inspiration and broaden their horizons of creativity.

Just imagine your workspace to be a blank canvas on which you can paint the story of your brand. You have immense potential to utilize the visual approach of showcasing your brand. The custom workspace providers pay close attention to your brand’s journey and design a workspace that vividly narrates your brand’s story. This not only inspires the employees every single day they come to work, but also motivates them to think beyond the usual. All your values, beliefs and essence of the brand would be narrated by the walls and vibes of your workspace.

An emotional connect– Human behaviour is highly influenced by the emotional connection with places, objects and other people as well. So why not develop an emotional bond with the workplace too? When people develop a special association with their workplace where they spend more than one-third of the day, imagine how beneficial would it be. It would create a positive impact on business performance as well as the workplace behaviour of all employees.

Making it Social– Living in an era where everyone is pleased by Instagrammable objects, storytelling at the workplace has the advantage of showcasing the brand presence through user stories on social media. People love to showcase their everyday life online and this could be leveraged by the company as well. Spaces can be designed within the office which is pleasing to the eyes and employees would fancy clicking pictures at such places. It’s the simple things that delight people and happiness in the lives of employees will eventually contribute to happiness at work.

Bringing life to work life– People these days aspire to work for organisations that are closely associated with their lifestyle and also want the same to be reflected in their workplace. This hint can be picked up while storytelling for your brand and the workplace can be turned into an abode for real-life moments. Having holiday parties, cheering the little joys in the lives of the employees and celebrating the organisation’s achievements can help in building a closer connection.

Highlighting The Growth Journey– Success for any organisation does not come overnight. If the workspace is inspired by the company’s growth journey and showcases it, people get to know more about the struggles and year on year achievements and work to take it to higher levels. It creates a familiar association with the organisation and increases the loyalty of the employees.

All in all, the entire concept of storytelling is meant to enrich an authentic workspace experience for employees as well as other stakeholders of the company. In this way, organisational branding goes way ahead of colours and logos and establish a trustworthy human connection.

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