Future of Flexible Workspace

April 23, 2020

The world as we know it is going through a rapid change, and from the prima facie of things it appears – it will never be the same again. No sector of the economy is unscathed from the global paralyzing pandemic. While social distancing is the best-prescribed defense against COVID-19, the future of flexible workspace remains uncertain.

In the past three decades, workspace and workstyles have experienced a renaissance of sorts. With networking as the ultimate goal, businesses latched on to the idea of flexible workspace to bridge the gap between inspiration and application. Within years, major corporate giants started delving into the world of flex and improved their real estate portfolio both financially and otherwise.

But now the road ahead is hazy and full of unprecedented challenges.

With Adversities Come Opportunities

Albert Einstein once said, “in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” His words are now echoing throughout the video conferences where think-tanks are brainstorming to find effective ways to prepare workspace for the need of the hour – an adaptive ecosystem to cope with disruptive elements.

Let us have a look at what this adaptive ecosystem entails.

Employee Well-Being As A Strategic Imperative

An ideal workspace will look very different from what it was a few months ago. One of the first changes that it’ll witness is a greater emphasis on employee well-being.

A direct correlation between a good state of mental health and productivity is now being considered not as just another red tape, but rather as a strategic imperative.

Measures like flexibility in working hours, work-from-home, adopting digital mediums for conferences and seminars has become the new normal.

De-densification For Social Distancing

The new pivotal point in the segment of workspace design is social distancing. Experts are hailing it as the next step in the evolution of great workspace designs.

Workstations will have to be reimagined in a way that it ensures proper safety and hygiene.

Well-Sanitized Common Spaces

Hygiene will take precedence over everything else. This means break rooms and cafeterias will now have to be flu-proof. When employees go back to their offices, they will be returning with an ambiguous outlook towards life in general.

Employers will have to be ready to counter their concerns with a definitive approach factored in the design of workspaces. Touch-less technologies, enhanced cleaning techniques, social distancing and less sharing have to be implemented and ardently practiced to mitigate contagion at the highest level possible.

Better Air Circulation

Volatility and uncertainty were once broadly used to describe the unpredictable share market. However these days, they are used for something else, entirely.

As the world waits with bated breath for normalcy to return, employers need to be ready with a conclusive strategy to ensure the virus doesn’t proliferate through the air.

Integration of HEPA filters in the workspace to trap pollutants can be the first step in this direction.

The Road Ahead

As life and economy go through a rapid change, understanding and working towards the changing trend that’ll dominate the workspace segment is our best foot forward. A standard waterfall system is not the best option anymore.

We now need new designs, better hygiene facilities, and a flexible working environment to cope with the challenges. We at Skootr are dedicated and are ready to take up these challenges head-on with a positive resolution.

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