Five ways to improve work-life balance while working from home

March 3, 2021

With the second wave of covid-19 disrupting business-as-usual, employees are once again working from home trying to strike a balance between work and their personal lives while remaining productive. According to Monster,

69% of employees experienced burnout while working from home during the initial stages of the pandemic.

Increased stress and anxiety levels were also being reported by employees working remotely. The last thing the companies want is for their employees to come back to the office burnt out and tired when the lockdown is over.

Skootr has always been at the forefront of employee well-being. We believe productivity begins with mental wellbeing, and hence it is important to address the elephant in the room – you.

So here are five ways to improve work-life balance while working from home:

Create a schedule and set boundaries

Creating a regular schedule will help you maintain productivity and ease off some of the stress that comes with working from home.

Follow your work schedule and log off at the end of your schedule to focus on yourself. When you follow a diligent schedule, you can easily separate boundaries with your family, colleagues and managers.

Have a dedicated workspace

It is recommended that you have a dedicated workspace that helps you stay focused and motivated. Since the commute period is cut off, people often find it hard to disconnect work from personal life as they are working from home.

By creating a dedicated workspace, your brain associates different functions to different areas of your house in turn helping you reduce stress and relax once you finish work.

Take regular breaks

When the whole office starts working from work, a lot of daily interactions get cut off. Feelings of loneliness and isolation can often appear during these trival times.

Combat this by talking to your colleagues a couple of times throughout the day. Catch up with them over a short break. Give yourself short breaks between tasks. You are bound to feel refreshed and can get back to work with more energy and motivation.

Plan your after-work time

Setting aside time to take care of yourself will bring balance to your day and give you the energy and motivation to tackle the next task with a refreshed mind.

Similar to planning your office hours, plan your after-work time as well so your body and mind can receive proper rest and care as well. Indulge in your hobbies, interests, get some fresh air – anything that brings you joy and relaxation and positively affects your work-life balance.

Indulge in physical exercise

It is reported,

Regular exercise and stepping out to get some fresh air reduces stress, improves blood flow and improves health.

Since stepping out is a big no at the moment, you can indulge in light stretching, yoga and meditation. Exercise is an excellent way to achieve work life balance while working from home.

It’s easy to stay cooped up in your home all day, but make sure to get fresh and exercise to keep your mind and body healthy.

Working from home involves a lot of work-life juggle, attending to both your work tasks and family needs. Establishing a work-life balance helps you to contribute meaningfully and productively to your job while taking care of yourself and your family as well.

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