Does your office space reflect and ignite your culture?

August 21, 2019

Often we come across articles and hear business leaders speak at length about company culture. What comes to your mind first when someone asks you about company culture?

Your answer will of course be open-ended and may include things like the environment of the workplace-both physical and social, the way people in the organisation develop a bond, the decision-making process, and everything in between.

Workplace culture has the power to make or break the organisation. Business leaders focus on the happiness and well-being of all the teams and individuals in order to bring the best out in them.

The office space where you work also speaks a lot about culture. People should resonate with it and feel happy about coming to the workplace every day where they spend most of their time.

Believe it or not, your workspace can be highly supercharged if it reflects your identity and culture and when everyone feels attached to space. A simple checklist can be used to understand better how the culture which you’ve developed over the years is reflected by your workspace-

Inspiring the Millennials at work

The majority of the workforce today is comprised of millennials. Their outlook of culture and office spaces is very much different from the traditional thoughts. They cannot be bound to a desk for the entire length of their day.

Millennials are lovers of creative and inspiring spaces, bright colors reflecting their energy, some delicious and free meals on workdays and probably a lavish bar with craft cocktails for weekends.

These small things add up to their happiness which directly impacts their love for work and also reflects how much they are valued by their employer.

Getting your personal favourite places inside your workplace

It is a fact that you will be at your creative best and you get more inspiration when you are at your favourite place. So why not incorporate similar places in the office to bring out the best in you and other team members?

A space in the cafeteria which is just like your favourite coffee shop’s table, the breakout area which has benches like the park you often visit, so on and so forth.

The addition of such personalized elements at the workplace can positively drive the productivity and morale of the people you work with.

Spaces dedicated for disruption  & increased collaboration

The innovative leaders of today believe in the power of doing things differently. They strive for both technological and cultural innovation.

A disruptive and collaborative workspace is one of the vital parts of cultural innovation. It empowers people and helps them to ease out, fueling their creativity.

Adding the WOW factor to your workplace

People love spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and are attractive to their eyes. Of course, you wouldn’t want to spend your day at a place that is dull and does not match your high energy and vibes.

Not just you, but if people visit your workplace or even go through the pictures, you would want them to know about how amazing and lively your workplace is!

The best experience for clients and prospects

The first impression always counts. This is true for even the clients and all the stakeholders of your business. Your workplace is first-hand proof of how well your work is going and how much people would love to get associated with you. Make the most out of this space and do not compromise at all.

Let your core values echo in your workspace, whether you have an open and collaborative culture, a reputation for quality and innovation, or even just a friendly and quirky brand image.

Are you missing out on something? When was the last time you invested in your workspace? For the best organisations today, it is the key to attain their business goals. And you are no less than the best!

You definitely deserve a lively and premium workspace that speaks up for your brand and your team. Who wouldn’t love it when other players in your league get envious of your luxurious workspace thriving with your cultural spirit and the happiness of all employees!

You can make all of this possible by partnering with the premium office space providers who find the perfect location, design and operate the best workspace making it hassle-free for you in every way or even give your current space a superb facelift if you need that. Give it a thought because when comes to culture, physical space matters.

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