Co-Working Spaces are Great for a Healthy Work-Life Balance

August 30, 2018

When co-working spaces first came into the scene, they were mainly seen as shared workspaces for freelancers and entrepreneurs working from home. That’s no longer the case. Modern co-working spaces for enterprises are designed to provide a sophisticated, comfortable and corporate experience to start-ups, MSMEs, SMEs and professionals.

In fact, even larger companies are embracing the co-working trend. Employees love it too. And why not? They have a regulated workday, interact with other talented people, take relaxing breaks, and also work more productively. This has a positive impact not only on their work but also on their life outside of work. According to the 2018 Global Co-working Survey, 71% of the respondents reported how they were more relaxed at home after having joined a co-working space.

Indeed, as the workplace of future, co-working spaces for enterprises promote a healthy work life balance — the need of the hour for most of us. Here’s why.

You’re the boss when it comes to your schedule

Co-working spaces and private offices by Skootr offer you the option of choosing the work hours that suit you the best, instead of sticking to a 9 to 5 routine. You can work as and when you please, and are no longer at the mercy of an automated time-log or fingerprint scanner.

According to this survey, when workers have more control over their choices and can schedule their own work, they are happier and healthier. You are most productive when you have more control over your life, thereby achieving a good work-life balance – you know what works for you.

Fresh, nutritious meals are only a few steps away

If you work at home, you’ve possibly succumbed to convenient take-out over cooking your own meals. Co-working spaces for enterprises have canteens and eating joints that take into consideration hectic working schedules and lifestyles. They offer healthy and curated snacks, juices and fresh smoothies to keep you going through the day.

When you eat healthy, your body and mind can function better and you can be more productive. What’s more, with more energy, you can do more with your free time. How about that marathon you’ve always dreamt of completing?

Learn from your co-workers instead of competing with them

Co-working for enterprises offers more spaces to interact and to take that well-needed break. Of course, you can network and make connections to help your business. Even more importantly, since professionals from various businesses and sectors join co-working spaces, the competitive environment is replaced by well-meaning relationships you can learn from.

With such interactions, your knowledge base increases, and you get a break from your regular routine and space. You feel more connected to your peers and lesser isolated. And as this study by PLoS Medicine indicates, social relationships are key to good health!

An ergonomically designed workspace

Co-working spaces for enterprises by Skootr take into account long working hours and invest in the right kind of furniture and design. Some offer standing desks and ball chairs as well. While an ergonomically designed workspace has a positive effect on physique and fitness, it also boosts productivity and morale.

Work smarter, not harder

At co-working spaces, you can customise your office layout, your timings and your breaks. They also offer gaming zones, relaxation zones, massage zones. This ensures that you make the most of your breaks so that you actually concentrate when you are back at your work desk, increasing efficiency.

Onsite fitness programmes that fit right into your schedule

Many co-working spaces offer gyms, gym instructors and other fitness programmes such as aerobics, yoga and meditation. This gives you the chance to be regular in your fitness programmes, and perhaps even integrate them into your workday.

Co-working spaces ensure an all-round health regime available right at your workplace. They care about your physical and mental well-being to ensure efficiency and productivity. They also give you the chance to interact with other workers, build a community and feel happier.

When you eat healthy, exercise and relax during your workday, besides having completed your work for the day, you also return home more relaxed and energised. If you’re looking to fix that work-life balance, a co-working space might be just what you need!

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