July 21, 2020

Our strength as a community lies in our resilience to learn, adapt and improvise. While the pandemic has stunted global economies, it has also triggered a new wave of thinking – that’s causing a paradigm shift in our social norms while rewiring our behavioural outlook towards all aspects of life on Earth. In other words, disruption is our growth catalyst.

Ripple Effect

In the commercial real estate space, the pandemic and its preventive measures opened a floodgate of conversation around the future of flexible workspaces. For the first time, more businesses are warming up to the idea of fully managed offices. Hence, we’ve decided to take this conversation a step further by adding Grade A spaces to the mix. Did you know, moving to a Grade A space can do wonders to your business’s brand image?

Great Brands Work Out Of Grade A Spaces

There is a reason why Fortune 500 brands work out of Grade A spaces. Besides having the top-notch office space in the market, it boasts of the best notable presence in the city’s business district. Other key attributes include best of architectural design, state-of-the-art amenities, highly advanced technological systems, valet parking, locker-room facilities and an on-site cafe or restaurant.

First To Adapt

They are often the first ones to adapt to change. During the lockdown, Grade A spaces installed a plethora of preventive measures across their premises to ensure a safe return to the office.

These include:

  • Air purifiers
  • Sanitary systems
  • HVAC
  • Automation

besides strict adherence to social-distancing guidelines.

Grade A Impression

When it comes to Grade A assets, the location speaks for itself. The beautiful aesthetics and prime location are instrumental while lobbying your brand image to the clients.

Safest Ecosystem To Thrive

In the ever fast-changing nature of technology, Grade A assets have upgraded the system of facility maintenance and administration continuously to the point of complete automation. With regular office maintenance, compliance with international standards of fire safety norms and security systems installed around the buildings, Grade A offices leave no stone unturned to provide a safe and secure environment.

Grade A assets are the pinnacle of top-notch workspaces available to businesses today. It is for this reason alone we can say with confidence –

Adapting to the new normal ain’t tough when you know you’re in Grade A hands!

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