5 ways your business can unlock growth opportunities with Skootr

September 30, 2019

“If you love your workspace, you will love your work a little more.”

                                                                                                                    -Cynthia Rowley

Modern workspaces have an immense potential to unlock the growth and expand the boundaries of all the brilliant minds working in the organisation. The most successful companies are the ones whose employees love every minute of their time spent at their workspace.

If we analyse the reason behind this, we find that such organisations are focusing more on the design of flexible workspaces which facilitate the free flow of information exchange and movement of people at their ease. This in turn boosts innovation and overall happiness of the teams at work.

Moreover, the best businesses of the world also have very sound and impactful workspace strategies to make their spaces boast of the WoW factor and for their employees to feel well-pleased and contented with the place they work from.

If you too are aspiring to upgrade the premiumness of your organisation and grow your business by leaps and bounds, you can simply do it without having to think much and opting for a custom office space specially designed to suit your needs.

Skootr, being one of the top names in luxury office space providers, makes the transition smooth for you by bringing the best of both worlds. Blending the premiumness of the topmost organisations with the personal touch of your company’s core values and the voice of employees is what Skootr strives for.

Here are a few of the many ways in which your business growth can be skyrocketed and you can unleash your opportunities by simply transforming your office space with Skootr:

Work-Life Integration is the new Work-Life Balance

9-to-5 work is no more fancy. Reality has marched ahead of it. People are moving towards more flexible schedules to suit their work needs.

If you think about “work-life balance”, it clearly demarcates your personal life from your work life and aims to keep both at par. But the generation today has successfully blended the two by developing a synergy that integrates their personal work, social commitments, family time and work schedule.

Skootr closely monitors the work patterns of your employees which are getting more holistic with changing times and then designs a workspace that best suits their mobility and comfort.

Having purpose-built places for rejuvenation and informal discussions, popularly known as social spaces where you can chill, dedicated places for your pets and babies and sports facilities like gym and swimming pools, integrate with your work schedule and make it more convenient for you in day-to-day work life.

Inclusiveness at Workplace

Diversity is definitely the spice of life but when comes to a workplace, how the diversity of the workforce is leveraged for growth, is what inclusiveness talks about.

Aligning the office space design with the needs of all generations, making it suitable for the aged employees and the specially challenged ones is important. These small changes create a big impact on the employees and how they perceive their organisation to be.

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