5 Must-Have New Year’s Resolutions for Your Office

January 30, 2019

While you may have drawn out your personal New Year’s resolutions, having some resolutions for your office is a great idea and can help make it a better place for work. During the week, you spend more time with your co-workers than you do with your family therefore, better workplace practices would make everyone happier, motivated and more productive. What better time to do this than now?

The beginning of the year filled with hope and optimism is the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. If you need a little nudge in setting workplace resolutions, here are 5 things to focus on.

Become More Organized

This new year give yourself a leg up at work! Let’s make every minute of our’s count, after all, time is the base of all resource and how much we spend it on a particular activity is the most important and critical of all resource allocation we do. Once you determine a system to manage your time efficiently, you will accomplish more at work and be better at your job. Remember, a clean and organized workplace also reduces stress.

Here’s a 41 minute step by step video free video course which can help you understand the science and methods of time management Time management free course

If you want to go a little deeper here are some good places where you can start:

  1. LinkedIn Learning
  2. Coursera
  3. Edx

Have Proactive and Pragmatic Approach

You have to be good at your job, but you have also got to look at better future and growth and at the same time, we work because we need a better life. We need to pause for a moment and think, how to inspite of having a busy schedule we take of the other facets of life. Herein comes in the principle of deltas, chalk out your goals like gymming, spending time with family or learning and start spending small bunches of time on them. Example if you devote just 15 minutes to learning everyday at the end of the year you will have spent 90 hours on learning! Instead of waiting for the right time, let us work in deltas and cover the entire.

Always remember this equation:



Learn New Skills

There’s always time to learn something new, and improve and enrich yourself. Take out time for learning that foreign language you always wanted to or sign up for salsa classes, watch podcasts, join a club or organization to set personal challenges. Also, develop your professional skills and rethink your career path. If there are new avenues you want to explore, then gain the required training or education and target a breakthrough in your chosen field.

Today learning skills has become even more easier with advent of sites like Udemy, Coursera, Khan academy etc where you can learn anything, from guitaring to yoga to financial management in short and phased video courses.

And if you feel like learning something that may not be connected to your present work at hand, please go ahead and do it now! Success doesn’t happen in a linear manner, disparate and random learnings over time make us who we are. Watch this video where Steve Job tells how Apple’s success happened because of past unrelated learnings and experiences getting intertwined into it’s products and business model. Connecting the dots

Focus on Health and Strike Work-Life Balance

Workplace over-indulgence is a collective guilt for all of us. This new year pledge a healthier office routine and shape your personal life in the process too. Staying late in office and rushing home every day with takeaway junk reflects your poor time management skills at work as well as your poor lifestyle. Learn to log off on time and how to effectively delegate work. Organise your workload so that you don’t have to catch up on it late. Make sure you meet your friends and spend time with family even if ten minutes a day!

Besides, eat right in office and start with some simple office-friendly exercises. There are plenty of videos available online that can help you with this.  

Connect, Network and Grow Professionally

This is an important and even a necessary resolution to have. Professional networking requires dropping the ‘me’ perspective and approaching it as a prospective partnership where everyone is learning and sharing and growing professionally.  

Become more active on LinkedIn and other professional social networks, stay involved with college alumni networks, regional professional associations, etc. Try and attend at least one networking event every month.

Have a better attitude and prioritise your resolutions, success will follow this New Year.

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