4 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Traditional Office Spaces

November 15, 2019

Take a moment to think about the 4 P’s of the Marketing Mix, needed to make any significant marketing decision-

Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

One of the most long-term and vital decisions in this regard is that of the Place.

The strategic decision about the selection of place has a major impact on the marketing of the product and thus on the growth of the firm.

The irony here is that place is the factor that is most neglected by decision-makers and business-heads as compared to the other three. Don’t you think so?

Even when the world has taken the online route to almost everything and most businesses meet over the world wide web, still the need to operate from a physical place has maintained its relevance. You need an office space to base your entire team for stability and growth.

But the fact is even though you have a decent office space, your revolutionary and innovative business ideas are not meant to be caged in a traditional and weary box! You need to give them enough space and the ideal platform to soar the heights and flourish. Not only this, you cannot fit in and compromise into a cookie-cutter space and mold yourself according to it. It’s a strict no-no!

You have to have space that inspires you every moment and brings out the best in you.

It’s high time you should have a workspace that is at par with the evolving state of modern work life for you as well as your team members. It should spark productivity, resonate with your growth and be an active reason for your company’s long-term success. And believe it or not, traditional workspaces have become a thing of the past and your passion has outgrown that space!

To add more spark and power to your physical space requirement, it will be helpful if you know more about why a traditional and boring office space may turn out to be a hindrance for your forward-looking and aspirational business.

Bring in more Positivity

You spend an average of 90,000 hours of your lifetime at your workspace and it’s pretty obvious that you would not like to spend this magnanimous and precious time of your life at a place that does not reflect positivity.

And imagine all your employees as well, sitting in the same space and being affected by the vibes! Think of the cumulative energy generated by each one at your office! You will definitely want it to be the most energetic and positive, right? So why be in a space which keeps your energy low?

Let there be Light

Everyone loves bright spaces around them. It also enhances their productivity by around 20% as per research. Dull spaces fail to add spark to the lives of employees and they feel stuck at the same place for years and years.

The current generation of employees value the aesthetics of their workspace more than ever and it plays a positive impact on their work routine and happiness.

Even if you have a look at the social media of prospering companies, you find a growing trend towards workspace happiness, natural lighting-focused design, and inspirational spaces to be on the rise.

Money Matters, no matter what

Traditional office spaces have to bear the burden of long-term leases attached to them in most cases. If you observe, you will find that in the long run, people get stuck in the lease cycle of commercial real estate. Because of this, they have to make a lot of capital expenditure which otherwise they could have put to more fruitful use.

Think of the immense investment in new technology or product up-gradation one could do using all that money that is currently locked up in the commercial lease!

In this regard, a wise decision would involve having an office space with a pay-as-you-go plan which doesn’t hold back your capital. And while you save a large chunk of your money, you can also avail the premium benefits of luxurious and modern office space. What can be a better choice?

Tailor-made for Success

As a business leader, you have the prime responsibility to not only bring the best of business, but also take care of the complete well-being of all your employees.

Bright minds can flourish when they receive constant motivation and have a collaborative environment around them that is conducive to success. So keep in mind that your office space should take all those things into consideration that are directly related to the overall employee gratification.

The organisations which are leading the competitive world today have made a shift towards making strategic decisions for real estate and are exploring the technology for the most premium serviced workspaces. They see a large potential and have already started reaping the benefits of leveraging their workspace structure.

Skootr, one of India’s premium workspace providers partners with the leading organisations to find and design the workspaces of their aspirations. High-end design, nature-inspired spaces and state-of-the art-luxury is the prime focus for Skootr offices at the most convenient and hassle-free pricing structures.

At the end of the day, your employees will be the ones working their best for your business and fueling the growth of your venture. So make a smart investment in a happiness-infused premium workspace that will do wonders for your success now and in the years to come.

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