3 ways to restructure your post covid office with Skootr

July 21, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic bought the world to a halt resulting in a huge revenue loss for businesses as well as economies. This, in turn, has forced organisations all over the world to rethink their workspace requirements and the cost incurred in non-core business activities in order to cope with the current times of crisis. As troubled times continue, the current situation calls for a solution that helps enterprises maintain flexibility while reducing overhead costs.

With innovation at its heart, Skootr has developed a ‘Reverse Office Model’ that successfully meets this unique and often complex requirement of an enterprise in a timely and cost-effective manner. So without further ado, here are 3 ways to restructure your post COVID office with Skootr.

Model 1: Reverse with Anchor

With more employees preferring to work-from-home and changes in existing manpower strength required due to the recession, more enterprises are looking to optimally utilize their workspace with the remaining employees returning to work after COVID-19.

Under this model, Skootr helps enterprises to minimise their losses on the existing lease by taking up their entire portfolio and signing a new lease where the enterprise gets to retain the office space they need from the entire area and the remaining area is subleased through Skootr. A course of action is established to complete the process timely and hassle-free.

This helps in saving overhead and maintenance cost along with providing flexibility to scale up and take smaller portions of real estate according to the fluctuation in their needs. It also helps in avoiding getting stuck in stringent lock-ins. It also helps saving on rentals which in turn boosts financial agility and better risk mitigation.

Model 2:Consolidation

This is an ideal solution for large enterprises looking to consolidate offices spread over a vast geographical area to accommodate the manpower at one place and save on the operational costs. Skootr provides tailor-made services in accordance with a corporate’s requirement by adding a set of assets in an organisation’s existing real estate portfolio to offer a consolidated solution.

It helps in removing various hassles of handling multiple office spaces such as different rental payments, handling paperwork and maintenance issues involved with multiple locations.

It takes away the enterprise’s worry about their obligation of different signed leases for different properties.

Model 3: Reverse and Relocate

This model works for enterprises that are aiming to reduce their rental payments considerably by shifting their office to a nearby location that promises lesser rentals. With a huge chunk of employees working remotely, enterprises are optimizing the overhead expenses and costs associated with non-core business activity.

The model offers two different scenarios. Firstly when an enterprise is already stuck in a lock-in period with an expensive property. They can surrender that property to Skootr by signing a new lease wherein Skootr takes up their existing space and at the same time finds and customises a new office space with lesser rentals according to the corporate’s requirement.

The second scenario involves an enterprise that is looking for a new office with lesser rent commitment in the nearby area but they don’t wish to bear the scrap cost of the investment done in furniture and fixtures in the existing office space. Here, Skootr takes up space along with the existing fixture and in turn, offers tailor-made office space in the nearby location for the enterprise.

As the pandemic continues to affect the way we function, the future of flexible workspace model with reverse office concept aims to provide a better way for enterprises to:

  1. Control their overhead expenses and costs related to non-core business activities
  2. Get tailor-made services without any hassle.
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